'You are what you EAT' the old saying goes...
Now, when slow food is so popular, we have basically taken it to another level
And its name is...
What exactly does this, hmm, strange combination of words mean?
We should be grateful to Rosalind Coward who wrote in her 1984 book 'Female Desire':
"Cooking food and presenting it beautifully is an act of servitude. It is a way of expressing affection through a gift... That we should aspire to produce perfectly finished and presented food is a symbol of a willing and enjoyable participation in servicing others. Food pornography exactly sustains these meanings relating to the preparation of food. The kinds of picture used always repress the process of production of a meal. They are always beautifully lit, often touched up."
Yep. I totally agree. OK... Maybe except for one thing- you don't have to PREPARE the meal to be the master of food porn (yeeeaaah- it sounds quite awkward ;) ). The clue is to take nice pictures of it. That's why there are tousands of blogs offering great pleasure for the eyes (*.*) in spite of he fact that some their owners have no idea about cooking. They may not be the majority but still... In the cities or even small towns you can notice some young hipsters holding their i-Phones strangely lose to their meal. A group of them aren't that discreet and openly show off with their Nikons or Leica Cameras...
What happens with the pictures after this photoshoot?
The answer is obvious- social media- Facebook, Twitter, Instgram, Tumbrl, various blogs
like ONCE ONE GIRL- easy to remember, hard to forget...
Hahaha, that's my new motto...
Sounds like a threat, doesn't it? ;)
Maybe this way? ------------->>>
Anyway, I recently read in 'Glamour' that food is the new sex.
'WTF?!' I tought...
After a while of digesting this text I have an opinion that in some aspects it can be
true- food has an effect on senses and creates a feeling of pleasure.
In my next post I'll write more about it.
Sooo, guys- what do You think? ^.^
mmm, yummy! food looks really delicious ;) and... I love your sense of humor :*