Warsaw, surprisingly- or not, turned out to be a really stimulating city in which a probability to get bored equals zero. During the second semester of my studies in the capital of Poland I had an opportunity to attend many cool events, among others:
Royal Garden of Light in Wilanów
Grand Bazar (fashion fair in the Bracia Jabłkowscy Department Store)- gingerNaya & I
A concert of a French band Mars Red Sky in Hydrozagadka- Natalia & I
A concert of a Polish band Hey during ATD (Absolvent Talent Days)
at the National Stadium- Arek, Wiktor, Janek, Natalia, Marta & I
A 'Water-Light-Sound' multimedia show in Fountain Park
A before party ~before~ Orange Warsaw Festival= a concert
of a Polish rock band Terrific Sunday
on a rooftop of Warszawa Śródmieście railway station
Orange Video Fest- a Polish YouTube convention in Torwar Hall
Warsaw Book Fair at the National Stadium
An A-class cover artist- Dave Johnson & I
A concert of a Dutch band Epica
during a Warsaw Student Festival Ursynalia
I visited a couple of museums:
The National Museum in Warsaw
(during the exibition of Olga Boznańska's paintings)
The Muzeum of Motorization and Techniques
in the Palace of Culture and Science
Museum of Modern Art
I observed the streets & parks:
ul. Widok
ul. Puławska
ul. Nowy Świat
Łazienki Park
Aleje Ujazdowskie

ul. Mokotowska
Plac Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego
Skwer ks. Jana Twardowskiego
Metro Wilanowska
ul. Emilii Plater
I travelled by train. A lot.
I started to work out...
... and study. Not pretend to study, but actually study- in the corridor, university library, windowsill. Better late than never.
For now, I'm taking a break from the capital. I'm spending some time with my family in Cracow, exploring my homeland and travelling abroad. And it will hopefully be like thar till the end of September when I'm going to move into my new flat. Stay tuned for a possible room tour ;)
And, btw., I'm officially not a teenager anymore. I turned 20 yesterday. It's time I acted like a grown up. Ehh.
Anyway, I wish you all a great summer vacation :* With a bit of luck I'm going to add another post this month. In a week or two... We'll see ;)
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